Before playing Vision company games, you must read and accept this service and privacy policy.
Every time you play Vision games or use any of the Vision services, you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the terms in this service and privacy agreement. If you do not agree to all terms and conditions, you should not play Vision games or use its services.
When Vision is mentioned in this contract; Vision's subsidiaries, parent companies, joint ventures and other corporate entities under joint ownership and/or their representatives, consultants, employees, directors and board members should be understood.
1. Definitions
● Account: It is the profile you create by providing your information to access Vision games and services.
● Services: Games, products and content provided by Vision.
● Terms of Service and Confidentiality: These are the terms and conditions specified in this contract.
● Offers: Refers to Vision's special gifts, virtual or tactile, to certain players at certain times.
● User Content: Any data you upload or transmit on or through Vision.
2. The Right to Change the Service and Confidentiality Agreement
vision; reserves the right to change, amend, add to the terms of this contract at any time without notice, or to cancel the contract completely. Changes made will take effect as soon as they are made. We indicate that you will be deemed to have accepted the changes, corrections or additions made as long as you use the services. We also declare that you have accepted and committed that you cannot make any changes in the terms of this service and confidentiality agreement.
3. Account and Security of Your Account
Vision accepts that the e-mail address and other information you have provided are correct and complete. You also agree that this information is not confidential, its sharing is not illegal, does not contain any malware, does not contain viruses, adware, spyware, worms or other malicious code. None of this information contains copyright and you waive all your material and moral rights regarding this information. You should know that the information you provide may be public and you must accept that Vision is not obliged to compensate you in case of any negativity in order to benefit from our services. Therefore, please do not share your information and ideas that you want to be kept confidential. All legal responsibility and copyright protection of the information and ideas you share in forums, blogs and chat rooms that are open to all Vision users belong to you.
Please be aware that although you have the right to notify us when you encounter any unlawful behavior of any participant or player, we are not obliged to monitor these activities. However, we may, on our initiative, close the account you are complaining about and suspend its activities.
Your sharing and conversations with other users and players can be recorded, but this is not a requirement.
If you have a disagreement with another player or user about any matter, we, as Vision, declare that we will stay out of this dispute and we will not act for or against you on any platform.
You agree that your account has no economic value and cannot be considered as a result, property or price in sales and other legal contracts in any way. Your account and all items linked to it are the property of Vision. We inform you that even if you attempt to sell your account, your account may be closed without permission and without notice.
When you create an account to take advantage of Vision games and services, you also agree that you are responsible for protecting your account. You agree that if you share your account information with others, you are solely responsible for all material and moral problems you may experience, and you cannot hold Vision responsible in any way.
You must immediately notify us of any negative situation you suspect.
Accounts that are inactive for three months can be deleted by us and access to our services can be terminated through these accounts.
4. Those Who Cannot Benefit From Vision Services
Listed below are people who will not be able to play Vision games and benefit from the various services offered by Vision. If you have one of the situations listed below, please do not use Metacorn services;
● If there is a legal situation that prevents you from accepting this service and confidentiality agreement set by Vision,
● If you are under the age of 18,
● If you have previously been prohibited by us from playing Vision games or using its services.
If you want to benefit from our services even though you are under the age of 18, your legal representative, parent or guardian is deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms.
5. Updates
Vision has the right to stop some or all of the games or services it offers to your use, temporarily or permanently, without giving any reason, without giving any reason. In such a case, your profile that you created in order to benefit from Vision services may be destroyed. You will not be refunded for any virtual materials, tokens and other virtual items that you have previously won or purchased in the service or game that are temporarily or permanently suspended, and you agree and undertake in advance that Vision will not be liable for any compensation.
Vision may, at its sole discretion, limit, suspend, terminate, change access to accounts, games and services without giving any reason or justification. It may prohibit access to content. There is no indemnification obligation for all these acts.
Even when you request from us as Vision to delete your account, we are not obliged to pay any money back or other compensation.
In addition, we inform you that your account will be closed without notice and irreversibly if you violate the principles in this Service and Confidentiality Agreement that you have accepted to benefit from our games and services.
6. Suspension of Services and Banning of Profile
Vision has the right to stop some or all of the games or services it offers to your use, temporarily or permanently, without giving any reason, without giving any reason. In such a case, your profile that you created in order to benefit from Vision services may be destroyed. You will not be refunded for any virtual materials, tokens and other virtual items that you have previously won or purchased in the service or game that are temporarily or permanently suspended, and you agree and undertake in advance that Vision will not be liable for any compensation.
Vision may, at its sole discretion, limit, suspend, terminate, change access to accounts, games and services without giving any reason or justification. It may prohibit access to content. There is no indemnification obligation for all these acts.
Even when you request from us as Vision to delete your account, we are not obliged to pay any money back or other compensation.
In addition, we inform you that your account will be closed without notice and irreversibly if you violate the principles in this Service and Confidentiality Agreement that you have accepted to benefit from our games and services.
7. Payment
You use real currencies for in-service purchases that Vision provides. In order to benefit from our paid services and download our paid games, you can purchase products by entering your card information for payment on your iOS and Android-based devices. You further agree and undertake that all sales are final and Vision is not obliged to refund any money, that your virtual items that you have purchased with real money may disappear when your account is closed, and that you cannot claim the real money value of these virtual items from us.
You must pay for the item you have purchased, as well as all applicable taxes and duties associated with this purchase. Vision may revise the pricing of products and services offered to you through the Service at any time.
Vision does not store financial and private information such as credit card numbers.
8. Privacy
● Vision may receive your publicly shared information from Facebook, Twitter and other third-party applications. If you use Vision services with the help of a mobile device, Vision can obtain information about your device's name, phone number and geographic location.
● Some of our services offer you the alternative of informing you via text message. The phone number you provide to us to benefit from these information services is stored and retained by Vision.
● The information collected and stored by Vision is used to create user accounts, enable users to communicate with each other, protect users' security, prevent fraud and illegal activities, and resolve disputes.
● We only share your information with third parties in different ways not specified in this agreement, with your consent.
● Vision accepts connection via social network as it supports you to communicate with other users. By connecting to Vision in this way, you agree that your public profile on your social networks may also be publicly visible to Vision.
● The information we collect from our users and players as Vision may be disclosed in the following cases;
* To contribute to investigations, prosecutions and other legal processes made by official authorities in order to meet national security and law enforcement requirements and to respond to legal requests,
* if, at our discretion, we have found indications that the Vision has been used by the user or player to commit a crime,
* In cases where the user or player acts to pose a threat to the health, morals and security of a third party or the public in general.
● In the event that Vision is transferred by us to a third party, institution, company and other structures, all your information, including your personal information, will be transferred to the institution to which Vision is transferred.
● The account information you create in Vision is protected by the password you use to log into your account. For this reason, we recommend that you do not share your password with anyone in order not to cause any problems. Although we have taken the best security measures as Vision, we do not guarantee that there will be no unauthorized access to your account and information, hacking activities and data loss. You accept that you use our services by being aware of these risks.
Changes to our privacy policy are clearly communicated under the Vision site and applications, but this statement does not mean that we have obtained permission in any way, if the changes in the privacy policy are not approved by you, you should stop using Vision services and playing the games offered by Vision, otherwise you will be deemed to have accepted all changes in our privacy policy. .
9. Cookies and Advertising
Advertising of other websites may be included in the services and games offered by Vision. We state that we do not make any information, statements or commitments regarding the content, products and services that you will encounter when you click on these advertisements, and that we, as Vision, are not responsible for any loss of rights you may incur when you make purchases from these links.
These linking sites may collect your publicly available information and Vision assumes no liability for this.
10. Copyright
All ownership and all rights (trademark value, patent, intellectual property, etc.) of the services and games offered to you by Vision are protected by the Laws of the Republic of Turkey. The permission to create an account and use games and services for entertainment purposes, given to you to benefit from the services, cannot be used for any other purpose other than these purposes, and no action can be taken that will prejudice Vision's property and proprietary rights. If it is determined that you have acted against these terms and intended use, your account will be completely reactive and your right to benefit from Vision services will be forfeited. In addition, you are deemed to accept that if you violate the terms and take actions that harm Vision's property and copyrights, these actions will constitute a violation of both the criminal laws and the civil law, so we can take all legal remedies against you and we can seek compensation for the damage suffered by you.
11. Disclaimer
During the period of using our services and playing our games, you assume all risks, both material and moral, and you accept that you are responsible for all negativities. Vision does not guarantee that it can provide continuous and error-free service.
If you do not respect Vision's copyrights, do not comply with these "Terms of Service and Privacy", violate the rules set and as a result of these, you injure Vision and place it under an obligation, all litigation costs, fees and attorney fees while using the services offered by Vision Vision will immediately take legal action against you, including all other expenses.
12. The Age of Vision
As Vision, we state that we can transfer all our rights and obligations to any person or organization we want, at any time, without the consent or knowledge of any user.
13. Interruption of Service Due to Reasons Other than Ours
We, as Metacorn, declare that we have no liability due to the difficulties experienced in reaching our services in cases such as natural disasters, war, terrorist acts, fire, flood, accident, network infrastructure failures that occur outside of our will and initiative.
14. Valid Addresses
VİSİON DİJİTAL TEKNOLOJİ YAZILIM VE PAZARLAMA Joint Stock Company, Konak Mah. 1.Badem Cad. Lotus Plaza Blok No: 26b Inner Door No: 88 Nilüfer/Bursa legally valid official residence address is indicated as this address.
We hereby declare that you have declared the e-mail address you have provided while receiving Vision services as a valid address for making possible necessary notifications and notifications, and that you accept and undertake in advance that all notifications and notifications sent to this address will be considered valid.
15. Competent Court
We hereby declare that it is mutually agreed that Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve this dispute in case of any dispute with VİSİON DİJİTAL TEKNOLOJİ YAZILIM VE PAZARLAMA Anonim Şirketi.